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tv   Anderson Cooper 360  CNN  May 28, 2012 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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our own amen to the words of the gettysburg address that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain. that this nation under god shall have a new birth of freedom and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth. happy memorial day. erin's back storm. erin's back storm. "ac 360" starts right now. -- captions by vitac -- thanks very much. good evening, everyone. tonight the world has a massacre on its hands. the wholesale slaughter of dozens of children in syria. there is video of the aftermath. it is horrific. though we've blurred out the parts, there's no mistaking what the camera shows. keep listening at the very least. you need to know about what is happening in syria. this is from hula just outside homs. row after row of children, children shot in the chest.
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children with their skulls blown away. some with what appear to be powder burns covering what's left of their faces. the kind you get from being shot at close range. that's because their murderers, militias did killing face to face. friday night after a day of anti-assad protest in hula. first tanks shelled the neighborhood. then 7:00 p.m. local time reports say men in uniform began going door to door. this was intimate killing. personalized murder. one neighborhood boy says he watched as militia men grabbed his friend, a 13-year-old, and shot him in the head. a human rights watcher says the men cuffed one family's children, forced their father to watch as they killed him. i watched the bodies of nine children. one less than nine months old. did the infant carry an rpg, he asked. was he a fighter?
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he had a pacifier in his mouth. many were in white sheets and laid in rows. row after row of shrouded figures. then with a war around them, the bodies were buried. the makeshift cinder block wall trying to keep the bodies separate to try to have some dignity in death. they had no dignity in life because of what the regime did to them. blaming it as always on terrorists. we'll have more on that in a moment. first, though, keeping them honest. all this is happening with u.n. observers on the ground in syria. not very many of them, to be sure. they're unarmed. they can't do a thing to stop the slaughter. they're supposed to be monitoring the troops brokered by kofi annan who's in damascus tonight. violated literally from day one. now, yesterday, the u.n. scatter
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council issued a statement saying quote, outrageous use of force violated international law and comments they made. also the regime comply. things we reported night after night it has never done. also the final security council statement did not directly blame the regime for friday's massacre. that's remarkable. an earlier draft did, but russia objected it. bizarrely likened the slaughter in syria, the slaughter of children to a night at the disco. >> translator: it takes two to dance, two to tango. even though in the current situation in syria, what we have is not the tango having a disco party where many players are dancing. and they should all dance in the same way. >> syria, he says, is a disco party. as we mentioned the assad regime disavows it all.
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>> translator: we absolutely deny that the government's armed forces had any responsibility in committing such a massacre. and we strongly condemn the terrorist massacre that targeted our syrian people in a blatant criminal manner. and we also condemn this absurdity of blaming the government forces and not just on the level of the media outlets. >> these people have been lying now for more than 14 months. they have repeatedly denied the murder of children. this whole uprising as you'll remember began after children who graffitied anti-government slogans were arrested. that's how it began, with children. over the past 14 months we've seen countless children shot, some tortured. this latest massacre is happening a year almost to the day since the broken body of this little boy, a syrian boy was returned to his family. he'd been tortured, his body reportedly mutilated. killed by the assad regime security forces. now a year later the world is apparently stunned that so many
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children will be killed at close range in hula. i don't know why anyone is surprised by this slaughter. we can't pretend we haven't seen it before in syria. we cannot pretend we didn't know this was happening or would happen again. we have watched it day after day, night after night. we know the names of the dead. we have seen their small shattered bodies. we cannot pretend we did not know. alex thompson is a correspondent for britain's channel 4. he was in hula over the weekend. he's in homs. joins us by phone. alex, as you say the world has only seen glimpses of what's happened in hula. describe what you've seen. >> there's a big firefight about a half mile from where i am right now. we got in to where there are some syrian troops and we stopped. and there was a firefight at that point. so we took shelter in a building. i looked across from where i was and about four feet away from where i was there was a body
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covered in a blanket. when i pulled the blanket back, it revealed a man at least 75, 80 years old that had a gun shot wound to the head. a few feet away, i pulled over another blanket and there was a girl that could not have been more than five or six. she had a gun shot wound in her chest. and i put the blanket back and gave her whatever little dignity you can give to somebody in that situation. now, those bodies were not to have been discovered by the convoy. they bypassed them further into town. i'm telling you tonight that however many bodies they think were recovered and how many people have been killed in hula, the number is in fact greater than that. >> the assad regime is denying any responsibility for this. but as we know, over the last 14 months or so they have lied repeatedly. we've seen children repeatedly targeted, tortured to death and sent back to their families. is there any reason to believe
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anybody other than government forces or government supporters did this massacre? >> i don't believe there is. but the proof's on the ground. if you go to hula, tell me this. why is it that the area which is connected -- which is controlled by the government, the syrian army troops is a ghost town. it's deserted. there are no civilians there at all. why is that? and why is it the case there are many in the area controlled by the rebels. why do the civilians flee the areas where their governments are. the only difference from that evidence on the ground clearly is that the people, the syrian people, feel safer with the rebels. >> alex, do you find it extraordinary after 14 months of this crackdown and all the deaths we've seen, people are still coming out to protest after being in the mosque on friday.
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apparently that's what started what caused the government to go into this town in hula after friday prayers. but the fact that people are still willing to go out on the streets and protest i find extraordinary. >> people have the bit between their teeth. that enmoos more to them than putting food on the table and almost life itself. what you have to understand is that 99%, perhaps, of the syrian country is relatively peaceful. it's very specific where this is going on. and the fact the foreign minister said only today that the only thing russia is interested in pursuing is the assad plan. i have to say is an invitation to civil war. >> we've seen children killed throughout this conflict, but to see so many over the weekend. so many people ask the question how is it possible? why would a regime kill children like this? >> what goes through the minds and what is involved on these
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people, these armed militias who went building by building, house by house, family by family and slaughtered people in hula is beyond the comprehension tonight of most syrians as it is of most people around the globe. >> we can hear the fighting in the background. stay safe. thank you. >> thank you. >> the question is what can and should be done about it. there are sanctions on syria now. the obama administration asked for assad's departure. mitt romney called on the president to arm syrian opposition forces and senator john mccain said this. >> horrible things are happening in syria. this administration has a feckless foreign policy which abandons american leadership. i know because i visit with these people, that they are ready to help these people. and they are helping them some. but it cries out for american leadership. american leadership is not
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there. >> republican senator richard lugars said quote, i think properly so. you also heard alex thomson. want to talk about it with fran townsend and fouad ajami. fouad, you and i were on the border just a couple weeks ago. i mean, the world cannot say they didn't know that this was happening. everybody is shocked at the death toll over the weekend, this massacre of children. but we have seen children killed now for 14 months. >> you were in the tents and you talked to people. you talked to children, one boy. i'll never forget him who said we can't live like this. we want our freedom. so these people want their freedom. but i'll tell you one thing. this is now, this massacre, the hula massacre is a turning point in a fight we never thought would have a turning point. >> you believe it's a turning point? >> it's a turning point for the syriaens. i'll tell you why.
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because the murders were down surrounding hula. here you have hula, a very quaint place in my childhood. we thought of hula as a place of no significance. in fact, it wasn't just the army. it wasn't the forces, it was the surrounding villages that did most of the killing face to face. i think we're in the midst of the fight. we knew we would end up there if the fight goes on. we've dom to that point. >> do you think this could be a turning point? >> i hope so. but this is, as you point out, been going on for 14 months as the world sat and watched this. it is extraordinary to me so see this blood shed and this level of violence on children where the world seems unwilling to act. syria is a much more complicated situation. it has more sophisticated air defense and military. and it has clients.
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russia who the russian foreign minister made outrageous statements yesterday at the u.n. russia is responsible for providing the arms being used. >> saying it's a disco party or there takes two to tango a that there's an equivalent between the regime forces and it's not true. >> it's not true. it does belie what they're providing to the regime. if ever there was a point we could say this is the turning point. between the massacre and the outrageous statements. and we now hear the iraq forces are also in there. >> for those who, you know, are horrified by what happened and say the u.s. should not be intervening in this. what are the options? >> we are now talking about indifference to the russians. we have been going to the russians. we went to them about a year ago
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and they vetoed the resolution. we know that the russians -- we know what the russians will do. and we are going to the russians. the obama administration has been going to the russians repeatedly in order to be rebuffed and in order to have a cover. a lot could be done. a lot could be done. but the obama administration has brilliantly depicted this fight and the choices for the united states is either boots on the ground or heads in the sand. since we don't want boots on the ground, we do nothing. in fact, you don't even hear the president talking about syria. there's no passion. and for all the time that the obama administration spent saying oh, syria is not libya. now they say syria is yemen. now we have indifference. that we can have in syria. >> somehow get the president to resign or step down, have the vice president take over. >> good luck to that. it truly is in this case yemen.
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bashar al assad and his clan, 10% of the population that's willing to take a hike. >> this man, for those who don't know, his father slaughtered 10,000 people conservative estimates in -- you know, in 1982. so he comes from a tradition. i mean, it does not seem there's any limit to the number of people they are willing to kill. >> no. that's exactly right. bashar al assad, so many decades later there's youtube and the internet. we can see the slaughter. the notion this can go on 14 months we the videos, with the pictures with the community -- >> what about saudi arabia guitarist has talked about funding and giving money to and maybe giving money for opposition forces to buy arms. but where is the rest of the world on this?
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>> i think it will remain in the american world. if the united states doesn't come to the rescue, no one will ride to the rescue. once the united states leads, then the turks will follow. they will provide the buffer. the saudis will follow. without american leadership, everyone will dodge. and everyone will wait for the united states. and i used to believe if there is a -- to go back to the balkans. we were forced into bosnia about what happened. i now don't even know if there is one, if we would come to the rescue. >> you go to these camps and the syrian people feel they've been abandoned. they know they've been abandoned. they know this. >> and to fouad's point, what you need is american leadership. it is a false choice that we can do nothing or put boots on the ground. frankly, the americans can
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provide the infrastructure and the support to pull together the international community. we can help to arm the rebels. we can give them the communications gear so they can get out of the way of syrian forces. we can help to provide them safe haven and passage. there's many things we can do short of boots on the ground and dropping missiles. i don't understand it. >> we'll see if this is a turning point of some sort. it got a lot of attention this weekend. which all the deaths up to now has not. which is a shame for all of us. fran, appreciate you being here. and fouad as well. let us know what you think about this. we're tweeting. new developments also tonight in the disappearance of etan patz. the alleged killer may have confessed to a church group decades ago. the question is why didn't anyone in that church group come forward? they should be. crime and punishment next. this country was built by working people.
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welcome back. crime and punishment now. a breaking development in the case of etan patz. the nypd has been in touch asking about their pickup and dumping schedules dating back to 1979 which is the year that etan vanished. no comment yet.
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a man confessed to strangling and disposes the body in the trash. his name is pedro hernandez. tonight a relative claims to have reported a similar confession to police in camden, new jersey, back in the '80s. relatives said they went to police and told them that pedro hernandez said he ill canned a child. a lot of talk about tonight with lisa cohn. also former district attorney marcia clark. lisa, were you surprised? you did so much research on this. you worked for years to write the book. did you know the name pedro hernandez? >> no. doesn't mean he wasn't considered, but i never heard of the many suspects whose names sort of came across my view.
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i never heard his name until last week. >> does the story make sense? this was such a huge story in new york city at the time. i grew up in new york, i remember the story as a kid. that he would put etan in a bag or box and leave him out on the street to be picked up by garbage i find hard to believe. >> especially since it was friday of memorial day weekend. so it's unclear when exactly he put him out on the street. then there would have been saturday, sunday, and monday during which time there were hundreds of police swarming the streets looking everywhere for this missing child. >> and you would think the police at the time -- if you look at any cop show, they catch the garbage routes or who picked up garbage. you would think they would have done that back then. >> yeah. i honestly don't know. i know there were people going rooftop to rooftop. there were helicopters flying overhead. there were dogs. there were -- i mean in hundreds.
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it is surprising. >> marcia, there's no evidence. just the confession of a man with a documented mental illness now pleading not guilty. there were reports that the manhattan d.a. was reluctant to sign off. what do you make of the decision to bring charges now? >> it's difficult. it's very difficult. as you mentioned, without any forensic evidence to corroborate this confession, it makes it very difficult to believe him. this is a man who has been noted to be mentally unstable who's been diagnosed as schizophrenic. this is a problem -- fundamental problem with what do we credit. now, the more statements you have for more sources that are independent of one another, the more it makes that confession possibly more reliable. so you have this church group that did not report -- no one to the church group to whom he
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confessed matched this. but if they match up to statements he made to the family. if they talk about intimate details that he couldn't have known by reading the television, then you may have something. but it takes a great deal to make a confession all by itself stand up in court. >> i was asking people on twitter if they thought people in the church group should have reported to police about what he said in a public forum. is a church group under any obligation legally to report? >> well, there is an obligation when you see a felony committed. i don't know if it could be prosecuted after this time. the problem with a crime like that, if they say this guy was prone of saying all kinds of things, we didn't take him seriously. you'll have a hard time prosecuting. but yeah there is a duty to report when you have evidence of a felony particularly a homicide. so whether anyone will be held accountable for that is very
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doubtful. someone should have, yes. and apart from the law, anderson, if someone is sitting in a church group and here a person confessed to murder, you don't wait to find out whether you rely on it, you report it to the police. you never know. >> the flip side of the argument is he's mentally unstable is well who else would do this other than somebody who may be mentally unstable or has a serious issue. i guess that cuts both ways. you spoke to etan's father today. how are they doing in all of this? >> they're doing okay. you know, one of the things that happens in these sorts of developments is they get beseeched by the press. that ends up front and center in their minds. they're stuck in their house. they can't go outside. i think -- >> and they've been through this on and off now for 33 years. >> yeah. and he -- stan patz is one of the most methodical, calm people i know. he doesn't ever pass judgment
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quickly. i mean, he's had 33 years to think about things. and usually the investigation is moving along very, very slowly. >> it surprises you how this investigation has been handled. it's almost done backgrounds. >> it is. and by definition i think that's the way it has to be done. because last week somebody walked in and confessed. so i guess they had a choice. someone has in a very emotional way, in a details way given us the statement of what we're going to do. they don't have the investigative part done. now is the time to piece together everything he said and whether they can check it out. lisa cohen, thank you. garcia clark as well. marcia i'm sure your book will be a best seller. coming up, protesters gather in north carolina to speak out against a pastor who we've reported on who said he wanted gays and lesbians put behind electric fences until they die. gary tuchman tracked him down. that's next.
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the north carolina pastor that preached that gays and lesbians should be butt behind electric fences to die was back around this weekend. hundreds of people gathered to protest the pastor's message outside. gary tuchman went to north carolina to ask him whether he stands by his words. we'll have that in a moment. but first how this all happened in the sermon. he railed against president obama's support for same-sex marriage and talked about how he would eliminate gays and lesbians. >> i figured a way out -- a way to get rid of all the lesbians and queers. but i couldn't get it past the
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congress. build a great, big, large fence -- 150 or 100 mile long. put all the lesbians in there. fly over and drop some food. do the same thing with the queers and the homosexuals. and have that fence electrified until they can't get out. feed them. and you know what? in a few years they'll die out. do you know why? they can't reproduce. >> since that sermon gained nationwide attention, he refused to talk to reporters. gary tuchman went to ask him in person. >> reporter: we haven't seen or heard from pastor charles worley since he went viral. until now. >> pastor would you like to take back anything you said? past pastor, we want to give you a chance to take anything back. >> reporter: pastor worley had plenty of opportunity to answer
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either question. he chose not to. instead he was on his way to his church for a sunday service. on the same day that hundreds of people from north carolina and other parts of the country protested the pastor's new infamous sermon. >> build a great, big, large fence 150 or 100 mile long. put all the lesbians in there. fly over and drop some food. do the same with the queers and the homosexuals. >> i felt he was preaching bigotry. my god is a loving god. my god loves everybody. >> this is not a preacher. this is a bigot. >> reporter: the protesters demonstrated several miles away in the church. >> and to that which is against nature is against very nature -- >> reporter: where they uncountered a small by loud opposition. >> you can't practice in lesbian and be saved by the grace of
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god. >> we must repent because we've broken god's laws. >> reporter: pastor worley supporters carried signs that many here felt were nasty and antagonistic. and not accurate. >> where does it talk about aids in romans 1:27. >> it doesn't. >> why do you have out there? >> it's just a phrase we put on there. >> reporter: there's been plenty of chance for opposition here. many are yelling back. so far there's been no problems. >> i'm glad i'm a proud member of providence road church in north carolina. >> reporter: for the most part worley's supporters were ignored. instead the focus was on the anti-gay sermon. >> i think it's anti-christian. would jesus really do this? no. >> reporter: many protesters
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brought their children. >> i want my kids to love everyone. i don't want them to see black or white, gay or straight. i want them to love everybody. >> the reasons heterosexuals go to heaven is because they repent for their service. >> i need your identification. >> all right, sir. >> reporter: but this pro-worley supporter got a citation for using a bull horn. a few miles away, we asked if worley would talk to us there. >> we're not issues any comments or statements. >> so we can't talk to the pastor? >> no, sir. >> reporter: there's no talking to worley at least on this day. the pastor is either not ready or not interested to publicly defend his sermon. as far as defending him, his family and supporters seem ready to step up. five men walked out of the house when we asked questions. noticeably one man had a gun in his waistband.
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>> gary tuchman joins me live from north carolina. what'd you learn about what went on inside the church service yesterday, gary? >> reporter: i should tell you first, we wanted to go into the church but no reporters were allowed on the grounds of the church. people know who i am. but there was a reporter who wasn't as well known who was with the hickory daily record and he told us that the pastor got a standing ovation. in addition to that, the pastor told the cog congregation do you think i'm going to bail out on this now. >> it's interesting for someone who says he's not bailing out, he still refuses to answer any questions to anybody. >> reporter: yeah. and i don't think he's interested at all in talking to outsiders. particularly the news media. i have been told, though by that director who i talked with that they are consulting with their
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lawyers right now. ultimately perhaps their lawyers will advise the pastors to talk. i gave him every opportunity to make a statement. >> our invitation is open for him to come on this program any time. thank you. and a story that's surprising. when a new york state teacher sent sexually suggestive e-mails it didn't end her teaching career. she's still teaching. and her district is finding it nearly impossible to fire her. . introducing the all new cadillac xts, available with the patented safety alert seat. when there is danger you might not see, you're warned by a pulse in the seat. it's technology you won't find in a mercedes e-class. the all new cadillac xts has arrived.
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another keeping them honest report. we know it's hard to fire teachers who misbehave. the next story is hard to believe. a phys ed teacher still has her job even though the school has been trying to fire her for three years. when you hear what she told her students, you'll understand why people are outraged. she has tenure which gives her certain protection. but who's protecting the students? tom foreman reports. >> reporter: here in rochester, new york, olivia holley is finishing high school and excited about college. yet she and her mother are still
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talking about a day in eighth grade when a female teacher under the pretense of a medical exam told every girl in the class to do something they found shocking. >> she told us all to remove our shirts and bras. >> right there in class? >> right there in class. >> what did you think? >> it was something unnormal about it. just extraordinarily, like, out of the ordinary. >> i called the school. like any parent would. i was enraged. >> reporter: turning out, keeping them honest, people have been outraged about teacher valerie ron for years. she's been repeatedly accused of inappropriately touching female coworkers, of sending sexually suggestive cards and e-mails. telling one she was smooth like ice cream and suggesting she knew a million ways to please a woman. even after being told to stop by
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the women and supervisors, even ordered to stop by a court, yarn was accused by a colleague of persistently calling to play sexually suggestive museic over the phone. she's been cited for not having a lesson plan and giving low grades to students for no reason. so why after all that is she still employed by the rochester school system? the school board would not comment because the status is the subject of on ongoing court case. officials have been trying to fire her since 2009. >> this tenure teacher prom is problem. >> reporter: he says the teachers union and its lawyers too often put the protection of teachers, even bad ones, above the needs of taxpayers and students. >> what's happened here in new york is we've taken that right that the supreme court has interpreted to be embedded in the 14th amendment, the due
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process clause, and raised it by a thousand. >> reporter: while people on all sides of this dispute admit it is unusual, the state association of school boards insist trying to fire even a single tenured teacher is daunting. on average, the legal wrangling takes close to a year and a half. and it can cost $280,000. is that reasonable? >> no. it's not reasonable. and no reasonable person would say it's reasonable. >> reporter: adam urbanski admits while some can get out of hand, he says tenure and all it entails protects bad teachers. >> that's a cop out. teachers in rochester know and we're proud of the fact that they know that the union is not a place to hide. that you won't get any more empathy from the union president you would from the
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superintendent. >> then how can a case like this go on and on and on? >> because here you have the right to due process as a citizen. you have the right to have your day in court. >> reporter: valerie yarn has had her day over and over again for the past five years. an arbitrator ordered the school district to suspend her for a year without pay though it is still on the hook for her health insurance. and under this ruling, yarn could possibly return to the classroom after her suspension if she passes a psychiatric evaluation. our attempts to reach yarn directly or through her union lawyer proved unsuccessful. so we don't know what she might have to say about all these accusations. but we know what the holley family thinks five years after that incident with olivia. >> if anybody had told you back then that this thing would still be lingering on -- >> i wouldn't believe them. >> i'd tell them they've got to be out their mind.
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>> reporter: after three years in the classroom and the union insists it weeds out a lot of bad teachers early on. but admits the process must be streamlined when it comes to troubled tenure teachers. >> we don't want to see them anymore than any parent or grandparent whose children we serve. >> that has to be changed. >> has to be changed. >> reporter: on that lorain holley agrees. >> tenure means you're protecting somebody's job but who's protecting the students? >> a lot of critics say the case of valerie yarn is the window to a broken system. disability rights attorney and children's advocate reva martin is here. do you have tenure for life. >> it's really troubling and
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it's not an isolated case. there are cases it takes up to eight years a teacher took to remove her from the district and cost the district over 300,000 dlrss. i'm all for protecting the rights. the right to have a fair and neutral proceeding to determine whether there should be a termination is important. because we want teachers to feel secure in their jobs. what we don't want is a protracted process that takes year and years and costs districts hundreds of thousands of dollars when they're egregious situations like this. i can't imagine a teacher asking young girls to take off tops and bras. >> and if it's hard to fire teachers that have misconduct, it's hard to get rid of those that are underperforming and bad teachers. >> absolutely. the whole process of removing a
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teacher with all the administrative obstacles in the way of the school district makes it impossible to remove a teacher. i'm encouraged by something. we're seeing on the national level federal policies, educational policies that are starting to tie performance to teacher promotions, to raises, and to the quality of teaching. i think those policies are starting to have an impact. and sending a loud message to schools that teachers that are performing, let's praise and promote them. but the type of conduct in this case and the teachers who are poorly performing, let's get rid of them. >> areva martin i appreciate you being on. we'll continue to follow it. a bizarre story out of miami over the weekend. a man caught eating another person's face. strange details next. i tried weight loss plans... but their shakes aren't always made for people with diabetes. that's why there's glucerna hunger smart shakes.
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they have carb steady, with carbs that digest slowly to help minimize blood sugar spikes. and they have six grams of sugars. with fifteen grams of protein to help manage hunger... look who's getting smart about her weight. [ male announcer ] glucerna hunger smart. a smart way to help manage hunger and diabetes.
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there are a lot of warning lights and sounds vying for your attention. so we invented a warning.. you can feel. introducing the all new cadillac xts, available with the patented safety alert seat. when there is danger you might not see, you're warned by a pulse in the seat. it's technology you won't find in a mercedes e-class. the all new cadillac xts has arrived. and it's bringing the future forward. there's a lot of other stories we're following.
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isha is here with the bulletin. >> anderson, the popes spokesman is denying reports that a cardinal are being investigated in the leak scandal surrounding the butler. for allegedly stealing confidential documents and leaking them to the press. a horrifying story from miami where a police officer killed a man who was reportedly chewing another man's face off and growling. surveillance video from the miami herald shows the two men next to each other. the man was rushed to the hospital with most of his face missing. reports tonight that cars in ontario were damaged from debris that fell off a plan. the plane had to return to toronto after one of its engines shut down after takeoff. air canada is investigating the reports. and tropical storm beryl has been downgraded to a tropical depression but still causing lots of rain from northeastern
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florida and carolina. made landf fall in jacksonville. >> how was your weekend? >> it was very good. did some grilling. that's how i grill. >> is that how it is? well, i'm glad you're with us tonight. i think we're the only folks actually -- who actually are working tonight. >> that is indeed the case. how was -- >> it was good. i'm told we're out of time. we honor troops to paid the ultimate price and also talk about the kids. coming up kids tell their stories. c'mon dad!
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i'm here to unleash my inner cowboy. instead i got heartburn. [ horse neighs ] hold up partner. prilosec isn't for fast relief. try alka-seltzer. it kills heartburn fast. yeehaw!
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with your photographs. ( younger sister ) where's heaven ? ( older sister ) far. what will you inspire, with the eos rebel t3i and ef lenses, for ron's next project ? learn more at youtube.
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in washington this memorial day family members of fallen service members gathered by tragedy assistance program for survivors. it b included a camp for kids who had a parent killed in the line of duty. here are some of their stories. >> my dad died when i was 13 months in 2005. it really makes me sad when i think of him. we have lots of things of him like pillows and blankets. we even have a poster of him in our room. he is always in my heart. >> he would lead me to the biggest wave he could find and then he'd let me boogie board down that. >> when he played the guitar, he was really bad so we all had to run up into our rooms and had to shut the door. >> we would always -- we would
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go around the zoo and i would be on his shoulders. >> he liked to joke around. he was really funny. >> the awesomest guy i met. >> back in the army he held his own religious service with a lot of other soldiers where he was the pastor. he would preach to all the soldiers and tell them they're in good hands with god. >> he was really nice. >> sometimes i would think what would happen if my dad had died but i have figured that out now because my dad did die. >> we used to play football in the front yard. we had this video of it. and i -- now i kind of don't have anyone anymore. >> right now that we're at t.a.p.s., it's happy but sad. because the soldiers lost. but happy because we're free. >> just seeing other people having fun with their dad and seeing how i can't do that
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anymore. >> i'm also very mature since his death brought me to be the man of the house. and i had to take care of my little sister and of my mom. >> i think i'm definitely, like, a lot more independent and stronger. >> there is a type of strength that you find in yourself when you lose someone close to you especially a parent. and you learn to be a lot more autonomous at times. >> my best advice would be to not, like -- you shouldn't just stay in your sea of grief. >> think of happy thoughts, not things that bring you down. just things that keep you up. >> definitely cry. there's nothing wrong with crying. >> it's okay to cry and laugh. it's okay. >> it's okay to cry, but never give up on life.
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just keep on going and don't stop. >> you don't take -- you learn not to take anyone for granted. i'm extra grateful for my mom now because she's the only one i have. >> i would say that -- don't cry. he will always be in our heart. >> it's kind of sad with your dad being gone. it's, like, just -- it's like -- but i still know he's in my heart forever. >> memorial day is when we go out to dad's grave a lot and we put flowers on it. >> we go and we kneel on his grave and take pictures. then after that we pray. and i think our dad really likes doing -- having us around with him. >> if one of your friends comes and sees your grave with you, they can give flowers and stuff. >> everyone should take a second on memorial